2024年12月23日小于 1 分钟
- 修改DNS
sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf
- 修改DNS
- 安装脚本
#this is a very simple scipt to automate MacOS AD join
#Note that Apple is going away from AD
#Recomended solution is Nomad https://nomad.menu/products/#nomad
echo "this script needs to be configured to funktion"
echo "if you already did it then edit this file and uncomment row 6 with a # in the beginning"
# to automate ADjoin check the variables below and find a solution to get from you AD or just type the name of next object in list "next computer object"
DOMAIN=$(test.com) ## Domain
admin=$(admin) ## AD admin //Note this user can med active directory admin or a user with permission to join domain.
pass=$(password) ## AD admin pass //Note this row is NOT encrypted, coution using this, password might be stored in logs.
adgroup=$(whatevergroup) ## this is to give admin privileges to a group in the active directory ex: MacAdmins
ADcomputer=$(MACagent01 ) ## desired computer object name ( this will only be the name of the computer object in Active Directory, hostname is still the same as default)
OU=$(OU=Computers Mac,DC=domain,DC=com) ## desired OU were the computer object is created
sudo dsconfigad -add $DOMAIN -mobile enable -mobileconfirm disable -localhome enable -protocol smb -shell '/bin/bash' -username $admin -password $pass -groups $adgroup -computer $ADcomputer -ou $OU
sudo dsconfig -show